The highly anticipated first birthday shoot

Oh boy, was this a fun day or what!

I can’t believe my little girl is one! People aren’t exaggerating when they say time flies…it sure does. I’m so grateful that I was able to capture these precious moments of Emma growing up, seeing how much she’s changed and enjoying every minute of doing life with her. Thankfully, Emma is a pro at eating cake as she dove right into it and we barely were able to get a photo of the cake itself! Our photographer told us that it was a good thing that we had exposed Emma to cake so that she knew what it was and would dive into it. I was told that parents who hadn’t given their kids cake yet, tend to stare at the cake and usually don’t go for it and begin eating it. And because of the texture, some kids don’t care for it the first time like many other foods that are introduced to them.

A must on your list...scheduling a photoshoot for your child’s first birthday along with a cake smash. The photos and memories made are priceless.
— Feuna

My advice is, if you’re going to do a smash cake photo shoot, introduce your kid to it at least a month before the shoot so that they get used to it and hopefully enjoy the cake!

First birthday smash cake photo shoot
First birthday cake
First birthday smash cake photo shoot
First birthday smash cake photo shoot
First birthday smash cake photo shoot
First birthday smash cake photo shoot

Cake: Sunrise Bakery & Cafe

Dresses: Amazon

Hair accessories: Amazon


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