Birthday party planning…

Planning for a birthday party, let alone a first birthday, isn't an easy task when you're working full time, working from home, taking care of the baby, cooking, cleaning, etc. What I've found that works for me is preplanning and making a list. I'm a true believer in lists, shopping lists, to-do lists, gift lists, and the list goes on and on. So when it came to planning Emma's first birthday, I began my list.

Preplanning...create a list

When I first sat down to plan out Emma's birthday I first came up with a theme. For me, working with a theme and then planning around it helps so that I know what the overall look and feel will be, and what the color palette will be (sorry guys, I've been in the marketing industry for quite some time now, so things like color palettes and fonts are what I focus on 😊). Then I created a guest list, venue list, dessert list, and favor list. From there, I was able to know who's coming, where it'll be, and what we'll be eating, so now I have an overall picture of what that day will be like!


Here is a list of the lists I've made 😉

  • Guest list

  • Venue list

  • Dessert list

  • Things I need to purchase list

  • Theme list

  • Favor list

  • Vendors list

  • Games/Activities list

What are some of the types of lists you create? Drop it in the comments.

xo- Feuna


The highly anticipated first birthday shoot


Baptism Photoshoot