Feuna Shahbazian

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It’s a long ride…

Is it just me, or do 9 months feel longer than 9 months? I'm talking pregnancy here...2020 has been a whirlwind, where my "work-life" feels like it's been on hyper-speed; and yet, my pregnancy seems to be dragging. Perhaps it's the anticipation of bringing this little nugget to life and spending all of our time with our newest member of the family.

One thing is for certain, I will miss the kicks, head-buds, rolls, the (what I call) dance parties that this little munchkin has been doing throughout the pregnancy. I could tell that once our baby arrives, I'm going to miss these days...but, on the other hand, I cannot wait to transition into #motherhood!

So, if any of you have any tips or tricks about being a new mommy, please keep in touch and reach out!

xo - Feuna