Self-care is important…

How do you take care of YOU?

Whether it’s the hashtag “treat yo’self” or “self-care Sunday” we all have a modern culture to thank for a timely return to kindness toward ourselves.

I work full-time, and I'm a wife and a soon-to-be mom! When I'm not working, cooking, cleaning, or running around town, I try to take at least an hour to myself to write my blog once a week. To me, that's how I wind down. I don't see blogging/writing down my thoughts as added work, it's my place of peace. Now, with a little nugget on the way, I know that my time will be devoted to the baby, which makes it even more important that I begin a routine before our bundle of joy graces us in December.

What’s your self-care routine? Drop a comment!

xo - Feuna


Love our life together…


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