Feuna Shahbazian

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Remember that time we used to be able to travel whenever we wanted...

2020 was a year full of travel plans...then COVID hit, and I got pregnant! So, you could say that our travel plans were out the door. As I was scrolling through my photos, I came across many memories shared while traveling throughout the years.

Here's a little sneak peek into last year's travels to Hawaii...

Honolulu, Hawaii 2019

Diamond Head

Note to self, maybe don't go on a hike the day before you fly back home!

Hiking Diamond Head was a must on our to-do list. It was fairly close to our hotel, but you'd definitely want to drive there...well, that's if you find parking! I'd suggest going super early in the morning to beat the crowds, like 6:30 am - 7:00 am. The hike itself was awesome, but just remember that it is on an incline, so make sure you have the right shoes and gear on to make your hike more enjoyable.

Apparently, my husband and I are troopers because we decided to run down when we reached the top. Yeah...I wouldn't recommend doing that as it puts a toll on your ankles and you'll have sore muscles the next day. Thankfully, we were flying home the next day; but I must say, it wasn't a comfortable flight back home as our bodies were aching.

The takeaway...

  • Don't run on your way down from Diamond Head

  • Take your time and enjoy the scenery, don't rush it

  • Don't leave it until the last minute!

  • Definitely add this to your must-see list when visiting Honolulu


Sweet tooth??? Malasadas are a must!

One of the places that practically anyone who's gone to Honolulu kept telling us to go to was Leonard's Bakery. The lines to this place were off-the-charts long! So you'd think, well then it must be good? Let me tell you...they were AMAZING!!! In fact, they were so good that we went there three times during our stay!

Yes...the lines are long, but worth the wait!

Patiently waiting in line...

We practically tried all of their flavors, but my favorite was the Custard Malasada. This bakery doesn't offer a sit-down area within the shop, so plan on standing in line, patiently awaiting your turn to try these scrumptious pastries, and scarf it down before you get to your car! Yes, they're that good!