Feuna Shahbazian

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Prepping for baby before the arrival…

Is it just me, or does the last trimester go by super fast? There's still so much to do and purchase before the baby arrives and we now only have 5 weeks left!

How did that happen so fast? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was complaining about how long this pregnancy felt, and now I'm sitting here complaining about how fast it's going! We still need to take Lamaze classes!!! With work, life, and the holidays around the corner, I find myself running into the I don't have time issue. Does anyone else feel that way?

With only 5 weeks to spare before the arrival, I've been going through our registry and really contemplating what we really need versus what we wanted.

Here are a few of our nursery furniture pieces...

Another important thing for us was to purchase items that are free from harmful chemicals, parabens, fragrances, and free from chlorine bleaching. After doing extensive research on multiple products, we came down with our go-to list.

Our Product List

What are your go-to products for babies? Drop a comment!

xo - Feuna

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