Planning ahead…

Is it just me or does everyone else also begin to plan their kid’s baptism and birthday before the baby is even born?

Do you plan ahead or are you more of a go-with-the-flow type?

If you can't already tell...I'm a planner. It's fun and gets your mind off of the now-reality. It's something to look forward to. So far, I'm in my seventh month of pregnancy, and I've already planned our baby's first birthday...well, not "planned" per se, but I've got the theme down and some details of the party. Is anyone with me on this???

Granted, not everything goes as planned (especially if you're planning well over a year in advance), but non-the-less, at least you'll have an idea of what you're wanting to do, where your event will take place, your guest list, etc. so that when the time comes to "actually" begin planning the event, it won't be as stressful.

Call me old-fashioned, but I love writing things down on paper!

One thing that I love is stationary. I'm a sucker for a new notebook and pen. Not sure about you, but even though we live in the technology world where everything is under our fingertips, or "there's an app for that", call me old fashioned but I love writing things down on paper!

What's your go-to stationary item? Where do you normally shop for your stationary? Do you have a favorite?

One thing is for certain, I use my notebooks religiously! Typically, I write down the date at the top to make it easier for me to go back to and revisit it when need be. When I've run out of pages, I then archive them and keep them for later just in case I need to go back and revisit my thoughts, or what I did on that day.

My advice...

Well, friends, my advice is to plan ahead so that you don't overwhelm yourself when the time comes to really start planning things. Write your ideas down, whether that be the old-fashioned way on paper, or storing it on the cloud. Whatever works best for you...just do'll thank me later (insert winking eye emoji).

xo - Feuna


Remember that time we used to be able to travel whenever we wanted...


Love our life together…