Mobile Commerce to hit $620B in 2024!
Yup, you read that correctly! Mobile commerce is expected to hit over $620 billion in 2024. This is just the beginning of the trend my friends. You know what this translates to…approximately half of ALL eCommerce purchases will be made on a mobile device. If you are an entrepreneur or business owner and you don’t have an online storefront selling your products or services, you’re missing out on a chance to increase your sales 🚀
Are your wheels starting to spin? When I found this piece of info I had to share it with you! It was way to good to keep to myself.
Imagine, there are over 4.95B social media users worldwide and it’s forecasted to reach 5.17B by the end of 2024! Which in turn means more people making purchases on their mobile devices this year alone!
And, check this out, I read a social media trend report by Sendible stating that Instagram users watch a total of 17.6M hours of Reels each and every single day and that Gen Zer’s go-to platform for discovery is Instagram.
What does this data tell us?
You need to have an online presence.
You need to have an online storefront.
You need to create video content.
You need to begin taking social media marketing more seriously as it’s the go-to for many looking to make purchases.
More importantly, you need to create a content strategy for your social media channels. No more scrambling to post something the same day, no more posting just to post, social media needs to be added to your overall marketing strategy and business plan if it already isn’t.
I get it. The frustration of creating content, juggling a 9-5 while you try to build your digital marketing empire on the side, where do you find the time?
I’m here to tell you, that if you take the time to develop and create your content strategy plan, you will:
Save time and energy
Grow your audience
Generate leads
Raise brand awareness
Improve your efficiencies
Increase community engagement
When I implemented a content strategy within my marketing department, we went from scrambling to figure out what to post, to saving time, energy, and overwhelm.
I took the time to create our content strategy plan, and since then we run like a well-oiled machine. Long are the days that I would stress about social media!
If you need some guidance in content strategy planning, click here to be added to my exclusive waitlist for my upcoming course. By the end of it, you will have a tailor-made content strategy plan for your business.
Creating content shouldn’t consume much of your time. With a plan in place, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
Do you have a content strategy plan for your business's social media channels? How has it helped you? Drop a comment 👇🏻