Feuna Shahbazian

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International Women’s Day

We recognize this day to celebrate women's achievements. Many times we think that achievements must be grand...but in all reality, they don't. My greatest achievement has been becoming a mother to a precious baby girl.

Being able to juggle being a full-time mommy, wife, daughter, sister, and employee is an achievement. These days, an achievement for me is having enough time to take a shower! Having a newborn makes you appreciate all of the mini-achievements you make each and every day. From brushing your hair, taking out the trash, and answering a few emails...it's tough! I now understand the meaning of it takes a village. To all of the mamas out there, I have mad respect for you.

Growing up, I always saw my mom giving her all in running her own business. She's one of the most hard-working women I've ever known. I've been fortunate to see how her business has grown throughout the years, and she's still killing it! My mama is someone who I've always respected and looked up to as a little girl...and I hope that my baby girl will one day feel the same way as I do about my mama.

My baby girl, mama loves you and prays that you will be able to live in a world where there isn't gender inequality, women are treated with respect, and they will one day become leaders and role models for generations to come.

Who's your role model? What are some of your achievements? Drop a comment.

xo - Feuna