Feuna Shahbazian

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Hi all! I'm excited that you have joined me on my journey to share my thoughts, likes, dislikes, and pretty much...my two cents on all things life and business. This is a space where I will share products that I personally use or that I purchase for my household and provide you with my honest feedback, channel my feelings towards different topics, and take you on my journey of life by providing you a little sneak peek into our lives along with sharing tips and tools on all things business. And most importantly, I hope to empower other women to share their life experiences and remove the stigma of not talking about certain things.

As you'll see, I'll dive into topics (one topic in particular) that many women don't talk about, are ashamed to talk about, are embarrassed to talk about, whatever their reason not to talk about it. And that's totally understandable! It took me years to feel comfortable enough to talk about it too (check out my next post to learn more about the topic). And, I’ll dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship. So if you’re a mom trying to balance everything out, starting a new business, and want to gain some insight from someone who’s been around the block, then I encourage you to join in and follow along on my journey.

I'd love to keep the conversation going. Drop a comment!

xo - Feuna