Feuna Shahbazian

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Christmas Shopping…

Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday!!!

In the past, I used to go and try to do all of my shopping during Black Friday and throughout that weekend. But I always found myself having to head back to the stores to pick up some more items.

Then, I began to order items online...which seems like that's the way it's going to go, especially this year. I found it to be easier to purchase items for the family throughout the year, as opposed to buying everything around the holidays, as this way I won't be stressed in buying all of the items, wrapping them up, and dropping them off at our parent’s houses so we won't have to lug everything on the day of when we're house hopping. This makes it so much easier and less stressful! I highly recommend it!

Don't get me wrong, I still go out to the stores, but only to purchase a few items here and there. But a majority of my shopping is done online nowadays and I'll swing by some local shops along with Target, Kirkland’s, and Hobby Lobby to see what's in store this season!

And who doesn't like to buy new Christmas home decor or ornaments? That's one of my weaknesses, I tend to buy Christmas decorations and ornaments every year! I just can't resist myself! Every year they come out with cuter items that I just have to have...or so I think so, my husband on the other hand would beg to differ...ha! I like to change up the theme and colors of the decorations around the house and tree. This is the only holiday that I actually decorate the house, so I tend to go all out!

Make a List

As I've mentioned before, I'm a list person. I love making lists as it helps me to stay organized and not forget anything, and even then sometimes I tend to forget to write things down...I mean, we are only human. But one thing I'd recommend is to write out a list of all of the people you need to buy gifts for, then write down what gifts you want to get them. This way it will help you stay on track and mark them off your list!

My Must-Do Every Year

One thing that I've been doing for years is the day after Christmas, I'd go to Target and purchase Christmas bags, boxes, and tissue paper for the following year. They've typically been 50% - 75% off every time I've gone. I recommend you do the same. I mean why not save a little dough if you can?

The takeaway...

  • Purchase gifts throughout the year so you don't stress yourself out during the holidays and avoid the rush.

  • Purchase Christmas items like gift wrapping paper, boxes, bags, and decorations the day after Christmas to get them at a discounted rate.

  • Make a list and stick to it! Confession, it's really hard to stick to the list at times.

  • Enjoy the holidays and soak in every moment that you have in making memories with your family and friends.

  • Oh and, watch as many Hallmark Christmas Movies there are...seriously, I can't get enough of them!

What are some of your traditions during the holidays? Drop a comment.

xo - Feuna