Feuna Shahbazian

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2021, new beginnings…

As with every new year, people tend to create new years resolutions...I've never been one to make a resolution. The mere thought of keeping true to that one specific goal for the entire year is daunting.

Instead, I like to set smaller more achievable goals. For example:

  • detox for two weeks

  • walk 30 minutes a day for a month

  • deep clean the house once a month

These smaller more achievable goals help me in boosting my morale and know that I could actually reach each of these tasks. People tend to set really high standards for themselves and feel like they've failed if they don't reach their goals. So my suggestion is to make smaller goals so that you feel like you're accomplishing much more throughout the year...well, you actually are accomplishing those goals you've set and you're getting more accomplished.

As you now may know, I'm a planner and a list maker. So by setting smaller targets throughout the year, I'll be able to cross them off of my To-Do List. What works for me is setting these smaller goals that will ultimately help me reach a larger goal.

What I've set myself to do this year is to really go through the items we have throughout the house and get rid of things we haven't used in at least 2 years. I'll be going through each room one at a time giving myself a month to complete the task. Then by the end of the year, I'll have a nice deep-cleaned house!

Have you set any goals/resolutions for 2021? Drop a comment!

xo - Feuna